
The SvcV-4 DoDAF-described Model addresses human and service functionality.

The primary purpose of SvcV-4 is to:

  • Develop a clear description of the necessary data flows that are input (consumed) by and output (produced) by each resource.
  • Ensure that the service functional connectivity is complete (i.e., that a resource’s required inputs are all satisfied).
  • Ensure that the functional decomposition reaches an appropriate level of detail.

The Services Functionality Description provides detailed information regarding the:

  • Allocation of service functions to resources.
  • Flow of resources between service functions.

The SvcV-4 is the Services Viewpoint counterpart to the OV-5b Operational Activity Model of the Operational Viewpoint.

The intended usage of the SvcV-4 includes:

  • Description of task workflow.
  • Identification of functional service requirements.
  • Functional decomposition of Services.
  • Relate human and service functions.


SvcV-4 can be represented using:

  • SvcV-4 Services Functionality Description diagram which is based on the UML Class diagram.
  • SvcV-4 Services Functionality Flow Description diagram which is based on the UML Activity diagram.
    SvcV-4 Services Functionality Flow Description

The SvcV-4 is the behavioral counterpart to the SvcV-1 Services Context Description (in the same way that OV-5b Operational Activity Model is the behavioral counterpart to OV-2 Operational Resource Flow Description).


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